“It is not the strongest or most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” ― Charles Darwin
Develop Your Leaders and Mangers On Our Full-Day Resilience Programme.
This Full Day Resilience Programme is an in depth and experiential learning experience which develops delegates communication, leadership and management skills. Equally suited to professional development and leadership development. Building emotionally intelligent leaders and managers is essential for improving team performance and the “bottom line”. The ability to accurately perceive your own and others emotions, to understand the signals that emotions send about relationships, and mange your own and others’ emotions is crucial when managing and leading. This training equips participants with tools and techniques that will enable them to consistently perform and deliver results.
Upskill Your Managers' and Leaders' EQ Capabilities On Our Full-Day Resilience Programme.
Emotional Intelligence in the workplace
Developing EQ competencies
Become a Highly Effective Communicator
Master your thoughts, emotions and behaviours
Communication styles: Being flexible to suit the audience
Dealing with challenging situations and communicating with ease
Changing and maintaining your state
How to be a more effective leader and manager
Language for Leaders and Influencers
Breathing techniques to calm the body and mind
Decrease stress by visualisation and mental rehearsal
Guided Meditation
By the end of the Full-Day Resilience Programme your team will:
Become a more fluent and flexible communicator
Find out what motivates people, so that they can influence them with integrity
See other people’s perspectives and develop empathy
Learn how to feel at their best instantly.
Be able to make better decisions and manage people more effectively
Know how to use language effectively to lead and influence groups and individuals
Be able to use breathing techniques to de-stress and keep calm
Be able to use visualisation and mental rehearsal to decrease stress levels and prepare for future events
Understand the importance of meditation and learn how to do it
Peak Performance 360 Resilience workshops are experiential learning experiences that are custom designed for your company’s specific needs. Participants complete the training with strategies they can implement in their own work and personal lives.
Call us on 0414 630 180 or fill in the form below to get a quote.